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We are building a G swap decentralized exchange for swapping exchange POLY20 tokens on Binance Smart chain. G swap uses an Automated Market Maker (AMM) model where users trade against a liquidity pool. Such pools are filled with users' funds. They deposit them in the pool, receiving Liquidity Provider (or LP) tokens in return. They can use those tokens to reclaim their share, as well as a portion of the trading fees. LP tokens are called FLIP tokens. G swap will also allow users to cultivate additional tokens - GE and syrup. On the farm, users will be able to deposit LP tokens, locking them in a process that rewards users with GE. Users can wager GE tokens to receive SYRUP, which will have further functionality as a governance token (and as a ticket in the lottery).

LP tokens are called FLIP tokens. G swap will also allow users to cultivate additional tokens - GE and syrup. On the farm, users will be able to deposit LP tokens, locking them in a process that rewards users with GE. Users can wager GE tokens to receive SYRUP, which will have further functionality as a governance token (and as a ticket in the lottery).

In G Swap you will be able to add liquidity to the bridge from more than one coin. Due to which the user will be saved from an accident like Luna and the liquidity of his token will be safe. Along with this, we will also launch a centralized exchange, on which you will be able to do futures trading as well as copy trade, whose trading fees will be very low. A portion of our fees will be distributed among all of our GE Coin holders.



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The Old Exchange 12 Compton Road Wimbledon, London, United Kingdom SW19 7QD.